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2024-2025 School Year

Creative Program Registration Form


Use the online form on this page to register (apply & save your seat -- first come, first serve).


Not ready yet? First see the full schedule, check out program descriptions, or talk to Miss Emily.


Please review the following basics & FAQs. Submit the application at the bottom of this page.






2024-2025 School Year: September 1st - June 28th

(Excluding Holiday Breaks: 9/1-9/3, 11/27-11/29, 12/22-1/4, 2/16-2/22, 4/13-4/19)

It's OK to register if you anticipate some conflicts! It's common that students have an occasional school event, vacation, or appointment to work around. A variety of make-up options are often possible pending program, age, and schedule (not guaranteed). Please reach out if you'd like to discuss schedules further.


All Programs are best experienced from September through June to allow time for a full range of activities. 

If you can't complete the full school year to June 28th, you will have two opportunities to drop and stop tuition:

- End of Fall (December 21st)

- End of Winter (April 12th)


Programs need to reach minimums to be enjoyable and sustainable. If minimums are not reached or mid-year drops dip below, adjustments or cancelations are possible. Please spread the word to ensure we have viable class sizes.


Registration Fee: $50 Fee per Student

After your application is reviewed, one $50 Registration Fee is due for each student to save their seat in all indicated programs.
*Each year, only ONE REGISTRATION FEE per student is due regardless of the number of programs they attend.*


Tuition Schedule Options:

Tuition is charged per student per program. Pay in advance or in equally distributed installments:

 -  $45 Monthly Installments: Nine Payments Due on the 5th of October-June 

 -  $135 Term Installments: Three Payments Due 5th of October, January, April

 -  $364.50 Full-Year Payment: One Payment for School Season (10% Discount)

Tuition discounted 10% for any student attending three or more Programs


*Inspiration Academy differs (One-Day: $90/Month or Two-Day: $135/Month) and follows an altered schedule.




Please answer and hit "continue" until you reach the "submit" button prompting a thank you notice. One application per student.


You will NOT be automatically charged by submitting this form. NO CREDIT CARD REQUIRED FOR APPLICATION.

All registration is reviewed in-house and you'll receive an email within a few business days.

Registration Application
2024-2025 School Year Creative Programs

To register, please fill out the information below. Your information will be reviewed personally to provide the best services. Once your placement and tuition plan is verified, you will be invoiced via email so payment can be made by an applicable due date.

Parent/Adult Contact 
(for Registration & Tuition)

Select a Tuition Payment Plan
Anticipated Participation

Please answer and hit "continue" until you reach the "submit" button prompting a thank you notice. One application per student.


You will NOT be automatically charged by submitting this form. NO CREDIT CARD REQUIRED FOR APPLICATION.

All registration is reviewed in-house and you'll receive an email within a five business days.

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