Inspiration Academy
Arts Enrichment & Tutoring
Inspiration Academy
A School Year Program providing hands-on learning through the arts. Students will benefit from intentional connections in all areas of study. Meaningful extension activities and lessons will develop age-appropriate skills and understanding. Students will be treated as individuals with personal growth goals, but still have ample opportunities to interact with like-age peers, student mentors (as applicable), and adult instructors.
Choose from One-Day or Two-Days.
Throughout the year, we'll work through themes with multi-step projects, crafts, stories, music, movement, and play! Serving Kindergarten through 10th Grade, the daily flow will vary per age. Inspiration Academy will strive to provide top-notch tutoring and support families in meeting all education standards/goals.
Students will come together for developmentally appropriate lessons and group time activities. Instruction may include audio/visual engaging lesson, demonstration, story, conversation, or other group activity. Based on actual enrollment, students will mostly break-out into smaller groups to further enrichment. Group and individual projects will be planned. When applicable, individual accommodations, modification, or goals will ensure growth for each student.
Younger students will have time dedicated to play within a prepared environment to further learning. Curated centers/rotations may be used to provide options and engage students who learn differently, plus allow for 1:1 support. Older students often take longer to work through complex ideas and projects in more details, craftsmanship, etc. In a world where technology is all around us, some lessons and projects will utilized supervised screen-time in short chunks of time.
A combination of semi-separated and completely separated spaces will be utilized at Adventures & Art. Students will be able to work at desks, standing, shared tables, with clipboards, etc as deemed appropriate per task. The facility will allow for indoor and outdoor activities. Off-site walking trips are possible within the Village of Caledonia including the Caledonia Library, Parks, Nature Trails, etc.
The curricular plans are being finalized, please reach out. Inspiration Academy will strive to provide top-notch tutoring and support families in meeting all education standards/goals. All students will have access to comprehensive online and printed materials that can also be used at home. Families will receive a guide to the enrichment and tutoring taking place in class, as well as recommendations for home. Your family can make the most of it and likely incur no-minimal other costs... or do your own thing knowing that we're practicing, reinforcing, and growing together in Inspiration Academy. All families will have reasonable access to consult and set goals based on needs for their student as an individual.
Class size will strive for a non-specific goal of small-medium. Allowing for individual attention is important, as is a balance to provide peer interactions. As interest and registration grows, more details can be finalized and more information can be made available. The possibility to include students K-10th is well suited for families seeking options for siblings to attend the same time/location. Large age spans are common and accommodated at Adventures & Art. Staff, volunteers (optional), and peer mentors will be finalized based on registration.
2024-2025 Inspiration Academy
Tue 10:00am-3:00pm Tue Inspiration Academy [Kindergarten-10th Grade]
Thu 10:00am-3:00pm Thu Inspiration Academy [Kindergarten-10th Grade]
Packed or delivered nut-free lunch required.
We're in this together! This opportunity will rely on your commitment to regular attendance to provide consistent peer opportunities, but we all understand that things come up! Running late, car broke down, appointments, one-off amazing opportunity? That's OK, please plan to attend weekly (aside from scheduled breaks) and reach out in advance when possible to report conflicts or absences.
This drop-off program may be the key to balancing care of multiple children, home responsibilities, careers, your health, appointments, and everything else. If you'd love to participate, but need to discuss timing, please reach out!
The Inspiration Academy pairs well with 3:30-4:30pm and 4:30-5:30pm Creative Programs if you choose to lengthen your day. The time between will be treated as a flex period, inquire for more details.
Do your little ones or teens sleep-in due to late-night sports etc? Don't let the early start deter you, please reach out to discuss options and/or our daily routines.
2024-25 School Year
32 Week School Year:
September 15 - June 21
with Holiday-Based Breaks and Special Events
Inspiration Academy follows a slightly altered scheduled compared to our regular Creative Programs. Tuition rates and goals reflect this schedule.
During time off families have the option to access recommended continuing enrichment if desired. You can enjoy more time for home, holidays, and travel (while we need to take time for facility maintenance, special events, etc).
No Inspiration Academy 2024-2025:
9/1-9/14, 11/24-11/30, 12/15-1/11, 2/16-2/22, 4/13-4/26
(subject to changes and make-ups)
ADDED! 11/26 for T/Th Students (optional)
ADDED! 12/17 for T/Th Students (optional)
The School Year is broken into three seasons to organize large projects/themes.
Fall: Sep 15 - Dec 14
Winter: Jan 12 - Apr 12 REGISTRATION OPEN
Spring: Apr 27 - Jun 21
Tuition Schedule Options:
ONE-DAY Full-Year Plan:
(Commit to Tue OR Thu)
One Lump Payment for School Year
Receive a 15% Discount (Due September)
ONE-DAY Monthly Plan:
(Commit to Tue OR Thu)
Nine Installments of $90
(Installments Due on the 5th of October-June)
TWO-DAY Full-Year Plan:
(Includes Both Tue AND Thu)
One Lump Payment for School Year
Receive a 15% Discount (Due September)
TWO-DAY Monthly Plan:
(Includes Both Tue AND Thu)
Nine Installments of $135
(Installments Due on the 5th of October-June)