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October Highlights

October has flown by in the studio. Our classes have been busy creating a lot of cool fall projects to celebrate the season.

One of our favorite projects in Doodles & Squiggles was finger-painting fall trees. Students each had a huge piece of paper on an easel to create their masterpiece. It was fun to stand while painting and use our hands instead of brushes. Each tree turned out wonderful and unique. While hanging in the studio, these masterpieces have been complimented many times by friends in other classes. I’m excited to incorporate them into our front window display soon!

October 12th marked the start of our Drama Kids International program at SPLAT. I became an instructor for DKI last year and I’m very excited to bring this opportunity to the surrounding communities! As a Drama Kids Community Class, we have the opportunity to bring together a group of actors and actresses from any local districts and homeschool. So far we have a very enthusiastic group and it’s been a lot of fun.

Students in Thursday’s Creative Explorations recently started working on papier-mâché pumpkins. To my surprise, students have had mixed feelings about getting messy with newspaper and paste. Each pumpkin is coming along nicely and I can’t wait to see them finished!

On October 22nd I held a SPLAT Uncorked Party featuring the scents of fall with PartyLite. We had a great turn out. Everyone created beautiful, unique autumn tree paintings while snacking, shopping, and socializing. Thank you to all who came!

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